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  1. May 11, 2021
  2. May 05, 2021
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Fix creation of privilege with permissions. · f4a8cf4e
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Module was raising exceptions when trying to create a new privilege
      with permissions. This change fixes the behavior and ensuure
      idempotence with trying to create a privilege with the same values.
      Tests for this behavior have been appended to:
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Fix compare_args_ipa when passing None as parameter. · c17e9fe2
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      There were no test for the arguments of compare_args_ipa() to check
      if they were `None`, and they were used in contexts where `None`
      would raise exceptions.
      A test was added to return `False` if only one of the parameters is
      `None`, and `True` if both are None.
  3. May 04, 2021
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Force plugins to execute using LANGUAGE='C'. · 09942c3d
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      IPA translates exception messages and Ansible uses controller's
      language to execute plugins on target hosts, and since ansible-freeipa
      uses Exceptions messages to detect some errors and/or states, using any
      language that has a translation for the required messages may cause the
      plugin to misbehave.
      This patch modifies ansible_freeipa_module in plugin/module_utils to
      force the use of "C" as the language by setting the environment variable
      Tests were added to verify the correct behavior:
      The first test will fail, if ansible_freeipa_module is not patched, with
      the message:
         host_show failed: nonexistent: host nicht gefunden
      This issue is not present if the language selected does not provide
      a translation for the eror message.
      This patch does not fix encoding issues that might occur in certain
      releases (e.g.: CentOS 8.3).
      Fix #516
  4. Feb 16, 2021
  5. Jan 26, 2021
    • Eric Nothen's avatar
      ipasudorule: Fix names of member objects. · 2cc4c27f
      Eric Nothen authored
      Fixed names of sudorule member objects, as they did not match the names provided by IdM.
      From:			To:
      member_host		memberhost_host
      member_hostgroup	memberhost_hostgroup
      member_user		memberuser_user
      member_group		memberuser_group
      Fixes: #500
  6. Jan 12, 2021
  7. Jan 08, 2021
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipapermission: Fix attrs and drop privilege handling · 23829c5e
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The attrs handling was not complete and did not support to ensure presence
      or absence of attributes with action:member.
      The includedattrs and excludedattrs parameters have not been added with
      this change as the use of attrs will automatically set includedattrs and
      excludedattrs. The includedattrs and excludedattrs parameters are only
      usable for managed permissions and duplicating attrs.
      The permission module may not handle privileges. An IPA internal only API
      has been used for this. The prvilege variable and all related code paths
      have been removed.
      Fixes: #424 ([Permission Handling] Not able to add additional attributes
                   with existing attributes)
      Fixes: #425 ([Permission Handling] Not able to add member privilege while
                   adding permission)
  8. Jan 06, 2021
    • Eric Nothen's avatar
      Enabled Ansible check_mode · 7bbb401b
      Eric Nothen authored
      Added code to the ipa* plugins to support Ansible's check_mode, by
      means of a clean exit before the execution of the actual list of
      commands that would otherwise create/update/delete IPA servers
      and/or its resources.
  9. Jan 04, 2021
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Fix changing the type of an existing Vault. · 7e04a46f
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Current implementation does not allow the change of an existingi Vault
      type. To allow it, data is retrieved from the current vault, the vault
      is modifiend, and then, data is stored again in the new vault.
      Due to changing the process of modifying a vault, this change also
      fixes the update of asymmetric vault keys. To change the key used,
      the task must provide the old private key, used to retrieve data,
      and the new public_key, used to store the data again. A new alias
      was added to public_key (new_public_key) and public_key_file
      (new_public_key_file) so that the playbook better express the
      intention of the tak.
      Vault tests have been updated to better test against the new update
      process, and a new test file has bee added:
  10. Dec 29, 2020
  11. Dec 22, 2020
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Fix handling members in ipa role. · 67179a8c
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      When adding new members to a role, the existing members were removed.
      The correct behavior for the "member" action is to add those members,
      and substitute the existing ones. This patch fixes this behavior.
      Fix #409, #411, #412, #413
  12. Dec 16, 2020
  13. Nov 25, 2020
  14. Nov 24, 2020
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipahost: fix adding host for servers without DNS configuration. · 92972fd1
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      When using ipahost module with servers where DNS was not configured
      it failed to add hosts due to an exception raised on `dnsrecord_show`
      that was not being correctly handled.
      As the exception was being handled twice, the This patch simply removes
      one of the handlers, allowing the exception to propagate to the caller,
      where it is handled.
      Fixes issue #434.
  15. Nov 21, 2020
  16. Nov 20, 2020
  17. Nov 19, 2020
  18. Nov 18, 2020
  19. Nov 16, 2020
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipapermission: add version check for bind type 'self' · b6cf3e5f
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      FreeIPA 4.8.7 has introduced bind type 'self' as a valid value, and
      this PR adds checks so the module fails early if the value is used
      with an unsupported version.
      Tests and documentation have been updated to reflect the changes.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Add FreeIPA version check to module_utils.ansible_freeipa_module. · 2aaabc77
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Some attribute values are only accepted for specific FreeIPA versions,
      for example `self` for permission's `bindtype`. Although there are
      options to check for command and parameter availability, there is no
      check for verifying if a value should be accepted.
      This patch add a function to evaluate the target FreeIPA host version,
      by comparing a giver version to the current installed one.
      The version evaluation uses Python packaging's version comparision,
      which is compatible with PEP 440, if available. If not available, it
      falls back to a string split, that will work for the most common cases,
      but might fail for versions including strings with `rc` or `dev`, for
  20. Nov 13, 2020
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Bypass Ansible filtering on data returned by the module. · 88f84cef
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Due to Ansible filtering out values in the output that might be match
      values in sensible attributes that have `no_log` set, if a module need
      to return data to the controller, it cannot rely on
      `ansible_module.exit_json` if there is a chance that a partial match
      may occur.
      The change provided here uses the same implementation that is used on
      Ansible's `AnsibleModule.exit_json`, without the data filtering layer,
      so every attribute with be printed and, therefore, logged by Ansible.
      This is needed for the Vault module, as we need to return values that
      are explicit requested by the user and that might, at least partially,
      match the values in attributes with `no_log` set.
      Tests that reproduced the issue, and show it was fixed were provided
      for all Vault types.
  21. Oct 29, 2020
  22. Oct 23, 2020
    • Seth Kress's avatar
      New Permission management module · 8a8487ed
      Seth Kress authored
      There is a new permission management module placed in the plugins folder:
      The permission module allows to ensure presence of absence of permissions
      and manage permission members.
      Here is the documentation for the module:

      New example plabooks have been added:
      New tests for the module:
  23. Oct 14, 2020
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Add support for adding external members to ipagroup. · c7db1878
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      This patch add support for adding external members to ipagroup which
      have the `external` attribute set. It adds another attribute to the
      module, `external_members`, which is a list of users or groups from
      an external trust, to be added to the group.
      This patch requires server-trust-ad to be tested, as such, the tests
      have been guarded by a test block, for when such tests are available
      in ansible-freeipa CI.
      Fixes issue #418
  24. Sep 21, 2020
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      Fix module documentation · cf9fb2e8
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-doc is reporting several issues in modules. Most of them have benn
      due to misspelled description key word or due to use of multi line text
      without the | in the description line.
  25. Sep 17, 2020
  26. Sep 04, 2020
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Fixed log of vault data return when retrieving to a file. · 1f666609
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      When retrieving data from a vault using `out` to store the data in a
      file resulted is random characters being returned and logged. These
      characters could generate a traceback print from Ansible's logger,
      without breaking the script.
      The reason for that is that the result from `vault_retrive` was being
      processed when it was not needed, and data was beeing returned, when
      it shouldn't.
      This patch fixes this behavior by supressing the return data when `data`
      is not available, and only raising an error if it should be available.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      New privilege management module · 19a94ac4
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      There is a new privilege management module placed in the plugins folder:
      The privilege module allows to ensure presence or absence of privilege
      and manage privilege permission memebers.
      Here is the documentation for the module:

      New example playbooks have been added:
      New tests for the module:
  27. Sep 03, 2020
    • Rob Verduijn's avatar
      New trust management module · b2fd94e7
      Rob Verduijn authored
      There is a new trust management module placed in the plugins folder:
      The trust module allows to ensure presence and absence of trusts.
      Here is the documentation for the module:
      New example playbooks have been added:
      New tests added for the module:
  28. Aug 23, 2020
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Fix ipavault vault_type under Python 2.7. · 8b06e31e
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      When running module ipavault with Python 2.7, due to differences in
      the handling of unicode string than in Python 3, the vault_type type
      was different than the required.
      This patch changes the default value to force a unicode string in
      the supported versions of Python, fixing the module when Python 2
      is used.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Fix invalid forwarder list due to not using Unicode text. · 366e023d
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      When using ipadnsfowardzone with a target host that uses Python 2,
      it fails to add new zones due to unicode and str being different on
      that version. This patch fixes this behavior ensuring the module
      works on both Python verisons 2.7 and 3.x.
  29. Aug 17, 2020
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Document usage of `name_from_ip`. · 46bbc7bb
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Since `name_from_ip` has a similar, but not equal, behavior to `name`,
      and as the inferred DNS zone might depend on DNS configuration and
      can be different than the user expects, it has some limited usage,
      and the user must be aware of its effects.
      This change to the documentation enhance the documentation including
      more details on the attribute usage.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Return the zone_name when adding a zone with name_from_ip. · 41e8226d
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      When adding a zone using the option name_from_ip, the user have
      little control over the final name of the zone, and if this name
      is to be used in further processing in a playbook it might lead to
      errors if the inferred name does not match what the user wanted to.
      By returning the actual inferred zone name, the name can be safely
      used for other tasks in the playbook.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Added support for client defined result data in FReeIPABaseModule · 531e544b
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Modified support for processing result of IPA API commands so that
      client code can define its own processing and add return values to
      self.exit_args based on command result.
      If a subclass need to process the result of IPA API commands it should
      override the method `process_command_result`. The default implementation
      will simply evaluate if `changed` should be true.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      Add support for option `name_from_ip` in ipadnszone module. · abbd15e6
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      IPA CLI has an option `name_from_ip` that provide a name for a zone
      from the reverse IP address, so that it can be used to, for example,
      manage PTR DNS records.
      This patch adds a similar attribute to ipadnszone module, where it
      will try to find the proper zone name, using DNS resolve, or provide
      a sane default, if a the zone name cannot be resolved.
      The option `name_from_ip` must be used instead of `name` in playbooks,
      and it is a string, and not a list.
      A new example playbook was added:
      A new test playbook was added: